Feng Shui is the psychology of an environment.  It is a science, based on statistical and empirical studies that have been recorded over thousands of years by dedicated scholars, and an art form, requiring skill and intuition of curso lideranca EBAC a trained practitioner.  Whether you are younger or older, lead a simple or extravagant lifestyle, are a professional or homemaker, live in a small apartment or a big house, or favor a contemporary, traditional or eclectic style, benefits you’ll realize from a consultation are many.

People consider Feng Shui when they want to make changes in their lives...for instance, they may feel “stuck” and are constantly up against impediments to achieving goals.  One way to create a change is to infuse your life and living space with new energy or make adjustments to get the energy that exists in your environment moving in a way that better works for you.  When your home and office nourish you, your energy increases, empowering you to achieve your goals.

Feng Shui is utilized by entrepreneurs and large corporations like Coca Cola, Virgin Atlantic, Disney Studios, Charles Schwab, Hyatt Hotels and Whole Foods.  Donald Trump is quoted as saying “You don’t have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work.  I just know it brings me money.”

Through Feng shui analysis we provide practical methods to strengthen the positive energy in your surroundings and create beauty.  By making recommended adjustments, clients  state that their  home becomes a sanctuary: a place where they feel happy, healthy, and motivated…where aspirations become reality.

Feng Shui applies to all situations.  Every person, organization, space and situation can benefit.

Typical Feng Shui services provided by DesignBalance Feng Shui include:

Site planning: site selection and building orientation/location —By applying knowledge of external considerations, e.g. traffic direction, street location, nearby buildings, topography, etc. you will be provided an analysis with recommendations and explanations of specific site influences that may may either aid or be detrimental to a location.

Recommendations for a building exterior to include:  shape, materials, colors, lighting, signage, and landscaping modifications — supports both the creation of a new design and updating of an existing space.

Space plan recommendations: designation and arrangement of internal spaces and rooms, and flow analysis – review of architect’s drawings prior to construction helps to optimize the living or working experience.  This service assists current home/business owners to determine the most advantageous approach to remodeling in order to gain positive results.

Advice on interior colors and materials, furniture and decorative arts selection and placement — with an understanding of clients’ personal energy and the intended use of a space, an environment can be designed to achieve your goals while maintaining balance that you can actually sense.

Real estate assistance A new home or office building purchase is a big undertaking that can sometimes be overwhelming.  Enlisting the help of DesignBalance Feng Shui to assist in the shopping process helps buyers to determine the best space/property for them.  This service helps avoid making a purchase that you may regret later.  We also provide support to determine if a home or office building under construction is right for a client.  Additionally, we provide home sellers with recommendations to sell their home as quickly as possible, at the right price and terms.

Remote Feng Shui consultations By utilizing architects’ drawings or hand drawn plans, along with emailed pictures, Skype or FaceTime, the rich benefits of a consult can be achieved when geographic access or time constraints preclude an actual on-site visit.